About the Department

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Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 22550
Santa Fe, NM 87502-2550

Delivery Address:
715 Alta Vista Street
Santa Fe, NM 87505
Phone: 505-827-0000

About The Department of Information Technology

The New Mexico Department of Information Technology (DoIT) was created in 2007 pursuant to the Department of Information Technology Act, NMSA1978, Section 9-27-1 through 9-27 (DoIT Act) as an executive branch cabinet-level department to streamline and improve state information technology systems. DoIT focuses on providing excellent IT services to the numerous state entities that are its customers.

The Department’s central office is in the John F. Simms Jr. building in Santa Fe. The Department houses two Data Centers, one at the Simms building and one in Albuquerque and additional administrative and technical support offices exist throughout the state in Santa Fe, Albuquerque, Las Vegas, Las Cruces, and Roswell.

The Department is organized into three divisions:

  • Enterprise Services;
  • Compliance and Project Management; and
  • Program Support.

In 2021 the Legislature established the Office of Broadband Access and Expansion, administratively attached to DoIT. As a result,  DoIT’s Administrative Services Division will oversee budget and expenditures for the new Office, among other services.

In addition, in 2023 the Legislature established the Cybersecurity Act and Office of Cybersecurity, administratively attached to DoIT. 


Mission Statement

The New Mexico Department of Information Technology is the enterprise technology partner serving and supporting state agencies with innovative solutions to advance the delivery of their core missions and create progress for all New Mexicans.

Core Values: Collaboration, Innovation, Service, and Trust

Enterprise Services

The Enterprise Services program provides the State with the information technology fabric that enables agencies to innovate and excel in their specific domains. The goal of the program is to consolidate services previously duplicated within agencies in order to promote cost savings and efficiencies. This is accomplished through the delivery and management of cost effective and efficient information technology infrastructure services, enterprise applications, and other value-added IT services. The Enterprise Services program is enterprise funded, meaning it assesses fees for services which include depreciation costs. This enables the statutorily-created Equipment Replacement Fund to maintain and enhance services over time.

Enterprise Services provides IT services 24x7x365, including: the State’s telecommunications system; the two-way public safety digital microwave radio communication system; the State’s core data network and internet connectivity; and the State’s Data Centers. The State’s Data Centers provide secure facilities with redundant power and cooling which house many of the State’s critical IT systems, including the State’s mainframe and agency servers. The program also provides enterprise system services which include the State’s consolidated email system, the Statewide Human Resource, Accounting, and Management Reporting (SHARE) system, and system infrastructure for many of the State’s websites and web applications. Other services provided by Enterprise Services include application development, database management and the Enterprise Service Desk which provides level-one technical support 24x7x365 for all State employees.

Compliance and Project Management

The purpose of the compliance and project management program is to provide information technology strategic planning, oversight and consulting services to New Mexico government agencies to improve services provided to New Mexico citizens. The program provides critical leadership and guidance ranging from stragegy, project management and oversight, cybersecurity, and technology integration. The program includes Cybersecurity, the Enterprise Project Management office, and Office of Geospatial Technology. 

Program Support

Program Support provides leadership and administrative services to the Department in support of the Department’s mission and includes the Office of the Secretary. The program is responsible for the Department’s direction; administrative policies and procedures; human resources; budget and financial management; and purchasing and contractual support. Additionally, the program is in charge of DoIT’s cost recovery model and rates for the services it provides.