Broadband Grantees

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Broadband Grantees


Several entities in New Mexico have been awarded Broadband grants through the US Department of Commerce National Telecommunications and Information Administration Broadband Technology Opportunities Progam and State Broadband Initiative Program.

Click the Grantee name for more details about the project and contact information.

Grantee: Kit Carson Rural Electric Coop

Grantor: RUS-BIP Grant No. 5392
Kit Carson Electric Cooperative in Northern New Mexico intends to build a last mile, open access, fiber network to bring broadband to unserved and underserved residents, including Native American Pueblos, community anchor institutions and critical community facilities; to enable Smart Grid technology for sustainable energy development; and to create new jobs and foster economic development. The network will create a 2,400 mile broadband network which will connect approximately 20,500 households, 3,600 businesses, 183 “critical community institutions” and two American Indian pueblos.


Grantee: University Corp. for Advanced Internet Development

Multi-state award. This $62.5 million grant with an additional $34.3 million applicant-provided match will interconnect more than 30 existing research and educational networks, creating a nation-wide high-capacity network that will enable advanced networking features for more than 100,000 essential community anchor institutions. University Corporation for Advanced Internet Development estimates that this project will directly create hundreds of jobs upfront and help drive economic development in the community that creates jobs for years to come. The United States Unified Community Anchor Network (U.S. UCAN) project proposes a large-scale, public-private partnership to interconnect more than 30 existing research and education networks. This Comprehensive Community Infrastructure project is designed to span all 50 states and every network.

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Grantee: Hughes Network Services

Grantor: RUS-BIP-Sat
Multi-state award. This approximately $59 million award, will allow Hughes Network Systems to offer satellite broadband service to rural residential and commercial subscribers nationwide. Approximately 258,685 people stand to benefit, as do roughly 3,200 businesses. In addition to the jobs this project will support upfront, it will provide a foundation for economic growth and job creation for decades to come.

Grantee: DoIT - Public Safety Network

The Department of Information Technology (DoIT) received a $38,699,997 grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce National Telecommunications & Information Administration/Broadband Technologies Opportunities Program (NTIA/BTOP). The grant will be used to complete the Middle Mile Project that results in the statewide interoperable radio communication transport system (SIRCITS) to serve the public, educational, public safety, and health care needs in the state. The official award date is August 1, 2010. DoIT proposes to use the $38,699,997 in NTIA grant funds in addition to $17,000,003 in state matching and in-kind services for a total of $55.7 million to complete the Middle Mile Project and build out two public safety Long Term Evolution (LTE) locations as part of the national public safety interoperable broadband system.

The Project is comprised of 59 tower locations, the upgrades of which will complete the statewide analog to digital microwave conversion. Completion of the conversion will also provide opportunities to last-mile providers (“last mile” defined as any telecommunications technology that carries signals from the broad telecommunication backbone through points-of-presence or POPs) from one access place to the rest of the Internet (usually through routers, digital/analog call aggregators, servers, and frequently frame relays or ATM switches and upgraded facilities). Essentially, DoIT will provide a platform to create additional, scalable, and affordable middle-mile capacity to accommodate the last-mile providers (as appropriate under state law) and, most importantly, critical public safety facilities and community anchor institutions.

 SIRCITS 700MHz LTE Tower Site Locations

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Grantee: Navajo Tribal Utility Authority (Commnet Wireless)

Open fiber and wireless network in its three-state area, with wireless provider Commnet. Navajo National Middle Mile/Last Mile Project proposes to bring high-speed affordable broadband services to the Navajo Nation by deploying 550 miles of new aerial fiber-optic cable and 59 new or modified microwave towers covering 15,000 square miles in Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico. The proposed service area has rugged terrain, significant poverty, and more than 60 percent of residents lack basic telephone service. The project expects to directly connect 49 Chapter Houses, which serve as community centers for the Navajo population, at speeds from 10 Mbps to 10 Gbps. Last-mile wireless services will be offered at speeds between 1 and 3 Mbps through the project’s wireless partner, Commnet Wireless.

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Grantee: One Economy Corp. (Albuquerque)

The multi-state award, in partnership with the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC). The 21st Century Information and Support Ecosystem project proposes to implement a comprehensive program of computer training, wireless Internet access, broadband awareness marketing, and online content and applications to residents of 159 affordable and public housing developments and low-income communities in 50 cities and towns across 31 states and the District of Columbia. The project plans to implement four principal programs: training 2,500 youth to become “Digital Connectors” who will then provide digital literacy training to others in their communities; deploying localized broadband networks in public housing developments; developing online content and applications aimed at low-income, low-literacy audiences.

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Grantee: Wildblue Comunications

Grantor: RUS-BIP-Sat
Multi-state award. This approximately $20 million award will allow Wildblue Communications to offer satellite broadband service to rural residential and commercial subscribers in regions 1, 2, and 3. Approximately 110,150 people stand to benefit, as do roughly 4,896 businesses. In addition to the jobs, this project will support upfront, it will provide a foundation for economic growth and job creation for decades to come.

Grantee: ENMR Plateau Telephone

This approximately $16.5 million award, with more than $7 million in matching contributions, will allow ENMR-Plateau to offer affordable middle-mile broadband service in New Mexico and Texas, to support community facilities/institutions including education, health care, and public safety. The project plans to directly connect 287 community institutions to broadband. As many as 115,000 people stand to benefit as do 3,800 businesses. In addition to the more than 100 jobs ENMR-Plateau estimates the project will create, it will provide a foundation for economic growth and job creation for decades to come.

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Grantee: Communication Service for the Deaf

Multi-state award. Project Endeavor specifically targets a limited number of income-eligible deaf and hard of hearing consumers with the adoption of discounted broadband and customer premise equipment. CSD is in the initial stages of planning for the project launch. CSD will be implementing an awareness campaign in the months ahead which will include the State of New Mexico. The information campaign is multi-tiered and includes advertising on collaborator Web sites, in print publications associated with community anchors (media and providers that serve the deaf and hard of hearing communities), and attending consumer-based events nationwide. Specifically in New Mexico, Project Endeavor will work with the New Mexico State Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, the New Mexico Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, the New Mexico Association of the Deaf, and the New Mexico School for the Deaf to focus on Vocational Rehabilitation clients seeking employment and transitional students seeking to develop job skills toward future employment.

Project Endeavor participants nationwide will have access via video and text over broadband to CSD’s fully accessible, dedicated contact center in Sioux Falls, SD staffed with people fluent in American Sign Language. Education and training on the technology necessary to access broadband service and the unique existing and emerging services on the Internet that can benefit deaf and hard of hearing individuals will be provided in American Sign Language and with captions, available to both new broadband consumers as well as existing broadband subscribers. A limited number of Public Access Video units will also be placed with key community anchors nationwide.

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Grantee: La Jicarita Rural Telephone Coop

Grantor: RUS-BIP
This award will allow La Jicarita Rural Telephone Cooperative to offer full fiber capabilities to rural establishments with broadband service speeds of up to 18 Mbps. This last-mile project, along with a middle-mile component, will allow the company to provide affordable higher-speed last-mile services to a majority of its subscriber base that would otherwise go underserved. Approximately 3,000 people stand to benefit, as do roughly 40 businesses and 8 community institutions.

Grantee: ENMR Plateau Telephone

The ENMR-Plateau Middle Mile project intends to enhance broadband capabilities for critical community anchor institutions in eastern New Mexico and West Texas by lighting a more than a 1,600-mile ring of fiber and constructing 74 miles of new fiber in five communities. The project plans to connect more than 200 anchor institutions – including educational institutions, public safety organizations, healthcare facilities, and government agencies – at speeds of up to 1 Gbps. In addition, the network intends to offer wholesale services and facilitate broadband expansion to an estimated 20 communities and an area with nearly 700,000 homes, over 36,000 businesses, and 263 anchor institutions.

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Grantee: NCNMEDD - REDINet

Grantor: NTIA-BTOP-CCI Grant No. 5745
REDI Net: middle-mile fiber-optic broadband network in rural Northern New Mexico that will serve 123 community anchor institutions, with a market potential of 19,227 households and 1,332 businesses. Includes partnerships with tribal governments and last-mile strategy with 7 service providers.

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Grantee: Peñasco Valley Telecom

Grantor: RUS-BIP
Peñasco Valley Telephone Cooperative, Inc., will deliver high-speed broadband to unserved areas in its ILEC territory. The project will deploy fiber and electronics to allow for broadband service offerings to customers who are unable to access DSL today, including wireless capabilities for difficult-to-reach areas, as well as provide for additional fiber capacity.

Grantee: DoIT - SBDDP

The New Mexico Department of Information Technology was awarded initial and Supplemental funding for broadband mapping and planning, plus supplemental funds to support developing subcommittees to continue mapping and planning work in infrastructure, technical planning, applications, education, legislation, governance, tribal issues, broadband providers, as well as to support numerous Technical Assistance and Capacity-Building tasks.

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Grantee: Mission Economic Development Agency (Anthony, NM)

A multi-state award, for San Francisco based MEDA’s Latino Microenterprise Tech Net, with New Mexico partner, Tierra Del Sol Housing Corp, in Berino, NM. The Mission Economic Development Agency, in collaboration with the National Association for Latino Community Asset Builders and a national network of Latino-serving economic development organizations, plans to create 12 new public computer centers and expand five existing ones in 13 communities throughout the United States. Each center expects to operate on the project’s centrally managed network and provide computer training and adult education to low broadband adoption, high unemployment target population through a standardized English-Spanish training curriculum. The project expects to add a total of 263 new workstations and replace 37 existing workstations, enabling the centers to serve an additional 2,500 users per week and train an estimated 3,000 users per year. Broadband capabilities at each center will be increased to speeds of 1.5 Mbps.

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Grantee: Baca Valley Telephone Coop

Grantor: RUS-BIP
The Baca Valley Telephone Company, Inc. project will provide fiber optic connectivity to a number of new cabinets and existing buildings and deploy a last-mile access system intended to provide ADSL2+ broadband services to households and businesses in two separate proposed funded service areas located in the northeast area of New Mexico. This project will serve subscribers located in Union and Colfax counties in the State of New Mexico and consists of two service areas. Des Moines is composed of 194 census blocks located in and around the village of Des Moines, NM. Maxwell is composed of 36 census blocks in the community of Maxwell, NM. This project will serve 373 establishments, 71 of which are businesses and rural establishments that include farms and ranches.

Grantee: Windstream Communications

Grantor: RUS-BIP
This award, matched by $757,950 in private contributions, will allow Windstream to extend its broadband network to provide service to unserved homes and businesses in the areas of Chimayo, Dixon, Peñasco, Rio Chama, Ruidoso, South Rio Arriba, Tierra Amarilla, Truth or Consequences and Vallecitas. The project will use industry-standard ADSL2+ (Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line) protocols that will offer broadband service speeds of up to 12 Mbps. Approximately 10,000 people stand to benefit, as do roughly 50 businesses and 2 community institutions. The company estimates the project will create 29 jobs.

Grantee: NM State Library - Fast-Forward New Mexico

The New Mexico State Library has partnered with the University of New Mexico, Global Center for Cultural Entrepreneurship and 1st-Mile Institute to propose Fast-Forward New Mexico, an initiative to increase statewide broadband adoption and promote computer literacy and Internet use. The project intends to reach vulnerable populations, Hispanic and Native American users, small businesses, and entrepreneurs through small group training at public and Tribal libraries in 15 communities across the state. The partners estimate the project will result in 3,000 new household broadband subscribers, 1,000 new business and institutional broadband subscribers, and 3,200 new users at public computer centers. They intend to develop programs for first-time computer users that will address computer literacy and Internet usage. The New Mexico State Library also plans to provide training in computer and Internet use for small organizations and business owners. The Fast-Forward New Mexico project intends to improve New Mexico’s ranking of 46th nationally in percentage of Internet users, 49th in e-government, and 36th in broadband telecommunications when compared to other states, according to a report by the Kauffman Foundation and the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation. This proposal is part of Governor Bill Richardson’s five-year plan to phase in “broadband for all.”

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Grantee: ZeroDivide (Santa Fe Boys and Girls Club)

This $1.4 million award, with $605,000 in matching contributions, will allow ZeroDivide to expand broadband access to low-income youth in communities across California, Hawaii, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, and Washington. The project plans to provide training and support services to encourage sustainable adoption and technology awareness with a focus on disadvantaged communities. In addition to the jobs this project will create, it will provide a foundation for economic growth and job creation for decades to come.

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Grantee: San Ildefonso Pueblo - TewaCom

Grantor: RUS-BIP / BTOP
TewaCom Broadband Initiative (TBI), Phase 1-Upper Rio Grande Valley. San Ildefonso Pueblo is a partner in REDI (Northern New Mexico Regional Economic Development Initiative), which will deploy a regional open network. The network will support the multiple purposes of economic development, education, healthcare, and sustainable energy development funds and will enable the Pueblo to quickly expand its service network to 2,405 households.

Grantee: Santa Fe Civic Housing Authority

The Santa Fe Civic Housing Authority’s Public Computer Labs project plans to expand the capacity of one public computer center and create an additional public computer center at two public housing sites, offering broadband access and computer training to low-income families, minorities, disadvantaged youth as well as disabled and elderly Santa Fe residents. The project expects to add 13 new broadband workstations and replace 7 others, enabling the centers to increase the number of users served per week from 27 to 135. Broadband capabilities and training offered at each center will promote job creation, education, healthcare, and improve the quality of life for some of the neediest Santa Fe residents. The two computer labs offering broadband access and computer generated classes to decrease drop-out rate and generate economic mobility. Bilingual project targeted at populations speaking little or no English.

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