Broadband Grantees
Broadband Grantees
Several entities in New Mexico have been awarded Broadband grants through the US Department of Commerce National Telecommunications and Information Administration Broadband Technology Opportunities Progam and State Broadband Initiative Program.
Click the Grantee name for more details about the project and contact information.
Grantee: Kit Carson Rural Electric Coop
Grantee: University Corp. for Advanced Internet Development
Grantee: Hughes Network Services
Grantee: DoIT - Public Safety Network
The Department of Information Technology (DoIT) received a $38,699,997 grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce National Telecommunications & Information Administration/Broadband Technologies Opportunities Program (NTIA/BTOP). The grant will be used to complete the Middle Mile Project that results in the statewide interoperable radio communication transport system (SIRCITS) to serve the public, educational, public safety, and health care needs in the state. The official award date is August 1, 2010. DoIT proposes to use the $38,699,997 in NTIA grant funds in addition to $17,000,003 in state matching and in-kind services for a total of $55.7 million to complete the Middle Mile Project and build out two public safety Long Term Evolution (LTE) locations as part of the national public safety interoperable broadband system.
The Project is comprised of 59 tower locations, the upgrades of which will complete the statewide analog to digital microwave conversion. Completion of the conversion will also provide opportunities to last-mile providers (“last mile” defined as any telecommunications technology that carries signals from the broad telecommunication backbone through points-of-presence or POPs) from one access place to the rest of the Internet (usually through routers, digital/analog call aggregators, servers, and frequently frame relays or ATM switches and upgraded facilities). Essentially, DoIT will provide a platform to create additional, scalable, and affordable middle-mile capacity to accommodate the last-mile providers (as appropriate under state law) and, most importantly, critical public safety facilities and community anchor institutions.
Grantee: Navajo Tribal Utility Authority (Commnet Wireless)
Grantee: One Economy Corp. (Albuquerque)
Grantee: Wildblue Comunications
Grantee: ENMR Plateau Telephone
Grantee: Communication Service for the Deaf
Multi-state award. Project Endeavor specifically targets a limited number of income-eligible deaf and hard of hearing consumers with the adoption of discounted broadband and customer premise equipment. CSD is in the initial stages of planning for the project launch. CSD will be implementing an awareness campaign in the months ahead which will include the State of New Mexico. The information campaign is multi-tiered and includes advertising on collaborator Web sites, in print publications associated with community anchors (media and providers that serve the deaf and hard of hearing communities), and attending consumer-based events nationwide. Specifically in New Mexico, Project Endeavor will work with the New Mexico State Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, the New Mexico Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, the New Mexico Association of the Deaf, and the New Mexico School for the Deaf to focus on Vocational Rehabilitation clients seeking employment and transitional students seeking to develop job skills toward future employment.
Project Endeavor participants nationwide will have access via video and text over broadband to CSD’s fully accessible, dedicated contact center in Sioux Falls, SD staffed with people fluent in American Sign Language. Education and training on the technology necessary to access broadband service and the unique existing and emerging services on the Internet that can benefit deaf and hard of hearing individuals will be provided in American Sign Language and with captions, available to both new broadband consumers as well as existing broadband subscribers. A limited number of Public Access Video units will also be placed with key community anchors nationwide.